Climate Systems Center

Our Projects 


Past and future of the North American Monsoon

How can the geological past help us understand how our local monsoon system responds to elevated greenhouse gases?
Jess Tierney →Read More

The climate of ancient warm worlds

In the deep geological past, the climate was warmer than today. How can these ancient “greenhouse worlds” inform the future?
Jess Tierney →Read More

Climate, culture, and migration in Guatemala

Kevin Anchukaitis →Read More

The future of drought and snow in the American west

Tree rings reveal the history of drought and snowpack in the past and how we might prepare for the future
Kevin Anchukaitis →Read More

Reconstructing the history of the Indian monsoon

Cave deposits (stalagmites) reveal how the largest monsoon system on Earth responds to climate change.
Kaustubh Thirumalai →Read More

An Indian Ocean “El Niño”?

Could the Indian Ocean develop an El Niño in the future? What would be the impacts on extreme climate events?
Kaustubh Thirumalai →Read More

Reconstructing the Pacific trade winds

How do the tropical trade winds respond to climate change?
Diane Thompson →Read More

Climate change adaptation in the Marshall Islands

How to changing patterns of precipitation and sea level under global warming affect island nations?
Diane Thompson →Read More

The past and future of the Greenland ice sheet

How can state-of-the-art ice sheet models help us understand how Greenland responds to climate change?
Marcus Lofverstrom →Read More